What's Cooking Sessions
In the past seven years we have worked with over 100 organisations, to provide more than 1100 sessions and have engaged with over 45,000 people - helping them to see that preparing tasty & healthy, good food need not be 'complicated and time consuming and boring!'
We can provide:
A comment from a school head says it all:
"With the involvement of Real Food Works, you don’t have to worry about having enough equipment and all the organisation is done for you." Our demonstrations and workshops aim to show that making 'Good Food' from fresh ingredients can be:
Our approach
We focus on the use of microwave cooking which is fast, economical and healthy. (. more)
Equipped with our portable 'Kitchen 2 Go!' units, we are able to provide everything for an enjoyable, informative and relaxed introduction to healthy eating and cooking skills. |
All that we require is space, tables and
electric points and we can supply the rest. Call us on 0333444 7325 or: From the mouth . . .
Of Participants: “ . . the cool food dudes were awesome!” “I feel much more confident about cooking with my children” “This session provided a fun, educational opportunity for our young parents . . “ Of Partners:
What kind of benefits did you observe? "Consolidating the knowledge the children already had, confidence gained by the children when talking about healthy food and using kitchen equipment, parents having more confidence in letting their children participate when using microwave and sharp knives, working with their families, taking turns & sharing with others not only with their own family. Shanklea Primary School "The food demonstrations have been particularly popular with our residents at recent conferance events. The theme 'Love Food - Hate Waste' fitted well with the overall theme of our conference . . . . we have received excellent feedback about the session from our residents." Milecastle Housing Ltd Where have we been?
CLICK HERE to have a look at a map of where we have worked recently.
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