Our Recipes
The aim of our 'What's Cooking! outreach project is to demonstrate that providing food that is good for you and your family, need not be
'complicated, time consuming, expensive and boring' We have developed a range of recipes that encompass these aims and all have withstood the 'taste test' by the groups that we have worked with. The principles we follow when selecting & developing recipes are:
So, feel free to download and share our recipes and let us know what you feel about them by sending us your feedback click here: CLICK ON THE RECIPES TABS TO ACCESS OUR BANK OF DELICIOUS, QUICK & ECONOMICAL DISHES or use the site search at the top of the page to find a recipe. |
Seasonal Recipes
As we slip from January into February and the days get increasingly longer we are all in need of some comfor food. We offer a selection of hearty, economical and tasty dishes to lift the spirits! |
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